Solar radiation (sunshine)
testing is one of the basic tests usually required for any military equipment
planned to be deployed in the open and therefore subject to direct radiation
from the solar source. The effects of this radiant energy can generally be
divided into two groups or classes, heat effects and photochemical effects.
Heat effects on exposed equipment can raise the internal temperatures of the
equipment substantially above the ambient air temperature. Temperatures in
excess of 160oF have been recorded in parked aircraft exposed to the
sun while ambient air temperature was in the 90oF range.
Photochemical effects of sunlight may hasten the fading of colors and lead to
the deterioration of plastics, paints, rubber and fabrics. The combined effects
may lead to the outgassing of plasticizers in some materials along with
discoloration and a reduction in transparency.
MIL-STD-810G, Method 505.5
outlines two procedures for performing the Solar Radiation test. Procedure I
requires a cyclic exposure based on the diurnal cycle and is most useful for
determining heating effects on exposed materiel as well as materiel enclosed
within a container. Procedure II is a steady state (non-cyclic) exposure most
useful for evaluating actinic (photochemical) effects of ultraviolet radiation
on materiel since it represents an accelerated test with a factor of 2.5.
Because Procedure I is more akin to a natural cycle and does not have the
acceleration factor of Procedure II, it is not an efficient cycle with which to
evaluate long term exposures. Therefore, when it is used mainly to evaluate the
direct heating effect, Procedure I can be performed with source lamp arrays
emitting less than the full solar spectrum. Procedure II however, demands full
spectrum sources emitting light in the ultraviolet range if the total effects
of long term exposure are to be properly evaluated.
The solar light spectrum has been
accurately measured over the wavelength range of 280 – 3000 nm as well as the
power distribution within this range, and it is this range that we would seek
to reproduce in the Solar Radiation test. Reproducing this entire range
using lamp sources however can be quite challenging. Sources emitting
ultraviolet wavelengths between 280 and 400 nm tend to be quite costly and
their performance deteriorates quickly. Some of the MIL-STD recommended sources
such as xenon arc and carbon arc fall into this category. In fact, it was
reported that the first commissioned sunshine test facility in 1945 fell short
of the contract requirements due to several deficiencies, one of which was the
amount of UV that could be produced at the test item. Cost and reliability
issues are why many test labs have chosen to perform only Procedure I
with source lamps covering the visible and infrared spectrum range of 400 –
3000 nm (0.4 – 3.0 µm).
Reproduction of the required
environment for the Solar Radiation test requires a chamber space in which the
ambient air temperature and airflow over the test item can be controlled as
well as a solar light source which may consist of a single source in the case
of arc-type lamps or a multiple source array in the case of metal halide or
incandescent type lamps. The distance of the light source from the test item
may be varied to achieve the required irradiance. Airflow over the test item
can significantly impact test results. When MIL-STD-810D introduced the
“cycling for heat effects” (Procedure I) the guidance for airflow was to use
airflow as low as possible consistent with achieving satisfactory control of the
ambient air temperature at the test item or between 0.25 and 1.5 m/s (50 to 300
ft/min). The current guidance from MIL-STD-810G has changed for procedure I to
1.5 to 3.0 m/s (300 to 600 ft/min) in recognition of better field data. The
requirement for peak radiation intensity at 1120 W/m2 has changed little over the history of
the Solar Radiation test although there have been slight changes to the
spectral energy distribution based on updated measurement techniques of the
actual solar source. See more….!
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